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Case study


‘The Human Project’ is an NFT project by our client Jasmine, which is designed to express the powerful potential of humanity. The clients wanted to highlight the problems of humanity and help the people in need through her NFT. She focused on the social issues around us and attempted to bring change in an expressive way.


This project tested our creative influence a lot as the client wanted a character that was gender neutral. The client wanted that the character could represent both male and female genders at once. Creating the traits for the character and to implement them as gender bias was a challenging task.


To resolve the challenge, we designed a character with very less expressions and almost negligible specific gender traits. This way, our character was able to represent both, the male and female genders, fulfilling the need of our client.


The whole collection of 6,666 NFTs was sold out and the client was extremely happy with the result. She left us good feedback on UpWork and we celebrated our success by rewarding our team for their hard work.

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