Drishti Law


The Drishti Law branding project was an exciting challenge that our team took on recently. The project aimed to rebrand the law firm and create a modern and professional visual identity that would better reflect the company's values and services. We wanted to ensure that the new brand identity would be recognizable and memorable, making it easier for potential clients to identify and engage with the company.

We also wanted to develop a brand that would differentiate Drishti Law from its competitors and help the firm stand out in a crowded market.


  1. Understanding the Client's Vision: The client had a vague idea of what they wanted their new brand identity to look like, but they struggled to articulate it clearly. Our team had to work closely with the client to gain a deep understanding of their values, services, and target audience, and translate those into a visual identity that accurately reflected their vision.
  1. Differentiating from Competitors: The legal industry is highly competitive, and many law firms have similar branding and messaging. Our team had to ensure that the new Drishti Law branding stood out from its competitors while still remaining true to the firm's values and expertise.
  1. Meeting the Deadline: The client had a tight deadline for the project, and our team had to work efficiently and effectively to deliver the final product on time. We had to ensure that we were meeting the client's needs while also delivering high-quality work within the given timeframe.
  1. Rebranding Logistics: Rebranding an established law firm requires a lot of logistics and coordination. Our team had to ensure that the new branding was consistent across all marketing channels, including the website, social media, stationery, and business cards. We had to work closely with the client's internal team to ensure a smooth transition to the new branding.
  1. Balancing Creativity and Professionalism: While the client wanted a modern and eye-catching brand identity, we had to ensure that it also conveyed professionalism and trustworthiness. Balancing creativity and professionalism was a challenge that required close collaboration between our team and the client to achieve the desired outcome.


Conducting Extensive Research

To gain a deep understanding of the client's vision, values, and target audience, our team conducted extensive research on the legal industry, Drishti Law's competition, and industry trends. This helped us to create a visual identity that accurately reflected the firm's values and differentiated it from its competitors.

Creative Brainstorming Sessions

To differentiate the Drishti Law brand from its competitors, our team held several brainstorming sessions to generate creative ideas that aligned with the client's vision. By exploring different design concepts and approaches, we were able to create a brand identity that stood out while still reflecting the firm's values and expertise.

Close Collaboration with Client's Internal Team

To ensure a smooth transition to the new branding, our team worked closely with the client's internal team, including their web development and marketing teams. This helped us to ensure that the new branding was consistent across all marketing channels and that the client's internal team had the necessary resources and information to implement the new branding successfully.

Balancing Creativity and Professionalism

To balance creativity and professionalism, our team worked closely with the client to understand their preferences and requirements for the new branding. We also provided multiple design options for the client to choose from, ensuring that the final product was both creative and professional while meeting the client's needs.


The Drishti Law branding project was a complex undertaking that required our team to overcome several challenges. Despite these challenges, our team was able to deliver a successful outcome by employing various approaches, including conducting extensive research, holding creative brainstorming sessions, working closely with the client's internal team, and balancing creativity and professionalism.

Through this collaboration, we were able to create a modern and professional visual identity that accurately reflected the firm's values and differentiated it from its competitors. Ultimately, the project was a great success, and the new branding has helped Drishti Law to better connect with potential clients and stand out in a crowded market.

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